Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays

A while back, this wonderful friend sent me a gorgeous "Believe" garland, and I have been wanting to take a picture to show you all. But I suspect my camera's battery charger is stuck in the wall at the Nickelodeon hotel in Orlando.

Well, Mr. Jones and I had a deal that we wouldn't buy any gifts for each other this Christmas, but being the wonderful, sweet husband that he is, he bought me a new Nikon SLR camera. Yup, I was so shocked I actually gasped out loud. My husband is amazing that way ... it makes him completely happy to make sure everyone else gets what they want and he doesn't ask for a thing.

The garland looks just right on the white tree with the star fish. Appropriate since Lisa is so amazingly lucky that she lives right by the ocean. I have ocean envy. Anyway, thanks Lisa!

And here's a photo of the kiddos surveying their loot. Notice the Corgi butt in the middle of it all. Hope you all had a great Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Body for Life

This is what I've been doing with my free time lately:
I picked up this book at the book store last month. I was browsing the health section because I had finally become disgusted with my unhealthy eating and lack of working out, but couldn't get motivated. Here is the first version of the Body for Life book:

I am starting on my 6th week of Body for Life workout, and the results are amazing. It's simple and healthy, too. You commit to 12 weeks (although the idea is you continue with this lifestyle after the initial 12 week commitment), 4 hours of exercise per week, 6 small, balanced, and nutritious meals per day. 3 days a week I do 20 minutes of cardio, and 3 days a week I do weight lifting. I'm also never hungry because I eat a lot of food. I just have to eat the right kinds of food. Like this breakfast:

This is 4 egg whites, spinach, mushrooms and salsa. I eat it with a whole grain tortilla. Lots of protein, very little fat and calories. Yum!

Another thing I love about the BFL book is all the before and after pictures. I find them to be very inspiring. The transformations some of these people made are almost unbelievable. But I'm seeing some pretty phenominal changes in my own body. The weight lifting really revs up the metabolism and gives you great shape. So much better than the old days of doing tons and tons of cardio and being hungry all the time. I feel great. I did take a "before" picture of myself, but it is soooooo scary I can't bring myself to show it to you. Maybe after the 12 weeks is over I'll have the courage, but for now ...

Happy Holidays everyone!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Nester's Show and Tell

Nester is hosting a Garland Show and Tell at her place today. I'm gonna have to make this one quick since my house is a wreck, we're hosting Mr. Jones' work party at our house this Friday, and I'm working this week. I'm also using last year's photos because I can't take pictures because I lost my camera battery charger!! I'm dying. Can't find it anywhere. Can't take pictures of ANYTHING. I will snap over this one thing, people.

So anyway, I think the banister garland is better this year because I found some beautiful ribbon, but the most important detail is the same ... pictures of my kiddos. Every year I add little frames with their pictures from the year. Take a look ...

Now, if I can find my battery charger, I'll show you some updated photos. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tap, tap, tap. Phfft, phfft. Testing, 1, 2, 3. Is this thing on?

Heather here ... I do still exist, I am alive, no one kidnapped me and took me to Mars ...

(That's a great book, by the way.) We've been busy with a trip to Orlando, a trip to Indiana, mom working, house guests, sports, and most importantly, mom is doing this:

And it's working. And I feel absolutely GREAT! I eat 6 meals a day! I've dropped 1 dress size after 2 weeks. I found muscles I haven't seen in years. I'm talking serious dedication, people!! [Any diet queens out there who want to join me?] And I'm absolutely nuts about getting my workout in every day. Therefore, other things have fallen by the wayside. Have no fear, I have some housecleaning to do for a work party at Casa de Jones, so I will take time to blog instead.

Oh, I've been doing a lot of this, too:

And this ...

And this ....

This one's next. It should take me a week, or a few days, depending on whether I feed the children. Priorities.

Ah, a book series guaranteed to turn any mom into a 13 year old again. Does it get any better? Well, yes, actually ... let's just say I think movie casting for Edward was spot on. And I'll leave it at that.

So I just thought I would stop by the ole' blog and say "Hi" to my buddies and let you know you've been on my mind. [Hi Martha!! I owe you an answer to your tag. I love ya, girl! ...... Lisa!! I have a post about you on the way, too. Miss you!]