Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Biggest Loser

Do you watch this show? I do. I love seeing people change their lives and learn how to be healthy the right way, without surgery or pills. Eating healthy and exercising is the only way to do it. Period. And anyone can do it. The only thing I didn't like was last season at the very end, Vicky was working out so much that she didn't see her kiddos. I actually felt sorry for her. I think the show encouraged that, even though ultimately it was her choice. I personally believe she might have lost more weight if she had rested a little more. You need to have balance and it's important to be happy and rest, too.

Anyway, if you want some inside scoop on the show, go check out this lady or this lady. They know what they're talking about (you'll see why), and they are oh, so adorable.

Now, I'm a total before-after picture junkie. They are so inspiring to me. I can't get enough. If you are too, go see these people or these people for some inspiration.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sub Bag

I have been a substitute teacher for almost a year now, and I have had a few friends ask me what I take with me to the classroom. I have quite a few supplies built up, and I'm in the process of organizing them. What I would like to end up with, in addition to organized supplies, is a crate with file folders for each grade that contains activities in the folders that I can grab and go in the morning.

Anyway, for those of you who are interested, here are some things that I keep in my "sub bag":

Transition time (time when you are switching from one activity to the next or lining up and getting ready to go somewhere) can be difficult. It helps to have little songs and games to keep them interested and paying attention. I just got this book, Literacy-Building Transition Activities by Ellen Booth Church, from Scholastic that has a lot of good, easy transition activities:

Another favorite of mine is the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. The stories are quick, the kids get to vote on what the characters should do next, and they work for most elementary school ages.

I'm off to cut coupons and go grocery shopping, but I'll try to post more on this topic soon. Have a great day!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's time to save money!

We're trying to get more frugal at the Jones house, so we're cutting coupons and cleaning the house. I have the kids cut the coupons for me on Saturdays, which also helps them with fine motor skills. I use The Grocery Game so it is not as time consuming. GG continues to frustrate me, however, because I am always finding mistakes or discrepancies. Like, a lot. But in the end I still save a ton of money so it is worth it.

I let the cleaning people go this week (I started working last year as a substitute teacher so I could hire them). So I have gone back to the Motivated Moms Chore Planning System. It is a calendar that gives you chores to do every day, and if you do them you will stay caught up. They have a version with a daily bible reading, and one without. And it is only $8.00!! You download it, print it, and put it in a binder. Love it!

Click here to view more details

Monday, January 5, 2009

Intense desire to be a runner + 2 knees genetically predisposed to injury =

I've been really good about eating and working out, and today my knee decided it wanted some more time off (translation: I think I have torn some cartilage) so I snapped and defrosted a pumpkin cake I had in the freezer. Fortunately, it had freezer burn so I ate a piece and threw it away.I also got an amazing deal on this rug today. It is really beautiful, the only problem being that it is pink. I don't really decorate with pink, but I might get away with putting it in my garden room. If I can't stand it, I guess I'll roll it up and save it until I figure out how to use it.