Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tissue Holder

I got tired of seeing this in my purse:
So when I saw Notes From the Patch's tutorial for a tissue holder, I made some with some Amy Butler fabric scraps I had. It was very easy and turned out great. It would make a nice little gift for someone. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Expensive Candles Are Worth the Money

You know how expensive candle companies always say their candles are healthier to breathe? Well, I've always kinda believed that, but now I really do after changing the air filters in our house. 
This is what cheap candles did. The black soot turned the filters black. I'm thinking the extra money is totally worth it.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Altoid Tins

I love Altoid Tins for so many reasons, including organizing ...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Fabric Birds

I co-hosted a baby shower yesterday, and made fabric birds for decor. I updated my Christmas wreath with a bird and a fabric-wrapped perch to welcome guests. I'll post more photos of the shower soon.
