Saturday, December 15, 2007

A little of this, and a little of that

I received a question from Suzy this week, which I'm just now getting around to answering (sorry). But first, Ta Da ... here is the $15 dollar rug (regular price $399). It was just the thing I was patiently waiting for to bring the room together. I also figured out what I'm going to use to slipcover the love seat. I finished the pattern, but have been waiting to find just the right fabric ~ has to meet the criteria of the right color, price and texture ... so I decided last night that I'm going to use Wal-mart burgundy velvet curtain panels. I think they will be nice and cozy, and the price is right (here's a tip: sometimes curtain panels are cheaper per yard than fabric if you have a tight budget. I've used them for pillos, too). I'll keep you posted on that project after the holidays.

Here are some pictures from my dining room. I bought this tassel at Wal-mart last year and couldn't find a place for it. I think it works on the chandelier.
Some Martha Stewart ornaments I found at K-mart thanks to Liz, and also just happened to find a robin's egg blue vase on the clearance aisle while I was there (I think I'm on a lucky streak - right when I'm NOT supposed to be spending money!)

I was sick of the gold paint on these angel candlestick holders, so I painted them cream. I stuck some shells in there too. The garland is actually a really nice one that I got at Michael's clearance last year. It was $30 marked down to about $1.50. You've got to check out their blow-out sales after the holiday.
Suzy asked the other day about what magazines I love. Here are a few of my favorites. As far as decorating goes, just a few years ago, my hubby was the only decorator in this family. When we moved into our new house, I went into overdrive. But I wouldn't come up with an original decorating idea if it walked up and slapped me across the face. That is why I am obsessed with seeing other peoples houses (thank heaven for blogs!), I memorize magazines and save any pages with good ideas in an "inspiration" folder, and if I come across a good idea on the internet, I double-click on the picture and save it to my computer. I also love catalogs like Ballard Design and Pottery Barn. Another thing about my decorating abilities is, I got over my fear of trying things. There are a lot of holes in my walls where I hung things in the wrong spot, and Mr. Jones has done a teeeny bit of re-painting for me. I also regularly move furniture around. The next 2 projects I have worked up the guts to do are tiling (taking a class thanks to Martha), and I'm going to rip the carpet off my stairs and paint the pine underneath. Oh yeah, you heard me right. My poor, patient husband is holding back on this idea, I know it. "Yeah, honey." Poor guy. I got this idea from Manuela.

I have been liking a lot of the special interest Better Homes and Gardens publications on decorating lately. Creative Home is my absolute favorite. They spell out how to do a lot of projects.
Here is another favorite of mine ... Romantic Homes.
And last, but not least, Country Living magazine. These are the 3 magazines I never throw out. Southern Living has some good ideas, too, but I stopped getting those. I love to look at the Southern Living At Home catalogs, and those consultants always have great ideas!


  1. Wow-thanks so much! I blushed a little when I saw my name on there! You're so thoughtful. I am really wanting to learn. My kids are 7, 5 and 2, and I feel like I can start putting nice things around and not have them flushed down the toilet. So thanks again for your magazine recommendations, I'm all over it!

  2. We love the same magazines. Those BHG special interest mags are always great too.

    Happy holidays!


  3. Your house looks so festive! I love those mags too -- and the "new" Victoria magazine is kind of nice for decorating ideas too. Remember...I want the first subscription to "Beautiful Homes By Heather"!!!!!!!

  4. Glad you like the ornaments! The house looks wonderful. I love your red shades on the chandelier, wish I had one! :)

  5. I LOVE the new Holiday header on your blog! Gorgeous!!!!

  6. I love the bowl with the starfish and cram colored ornaments. That could stay out all year in a shell themed room!

    Please - if you have a moment to relax, stop by my blog and enjoy a funny and true Christmas story I have posted.

  7. Love those magazines too! Great inspiration, along with blogs of course!

    And I noticed your Strong Willed child book on your sidebar, just bought that. Yes, I have a strong willed child. A boy. :-) It looked like a great book!


  8. SIGH!!!

    Mrs. Jones? I can't believe you think you are domestically challenged! Every little nook and cranny of your house is gorgeously perfect!

  9. So many lovely things. I just popped in to wish you a Merry Christmas. Take care.
    Love Elzie

  10. Hey!

    SOMEBODY got a little face-lift!

    I love it!

  11. look at your miss fancy pants. Love the new look!
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  12. I love all of those magazines too, I enjoyed reading your post, and you are quite the bargain finder, I could learn a thing or two from you! Everything is lovely!!!

  13. I hope you had an amazing Christmas!

  14. Love the decorations. I am looking for a rug myself and that one would match perfect.
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  15. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such kind answer your question, I got my Santa from my brother when I was five years old...he is kinda rough around the edges, I love him.

  16. Hi!!! Thanks for your sweet comments on my calendars at "The Shabby Shoppe"!!! I just read it. I'm sorry my answer is too late for you because I read you wanted the calendars as Xmas presents...but I've been so crazy lately that I haven't been able to turn my pc on!!

    But for future reference, I printed the pages at home, and then had them laminated (because I couldn't find a qaulity paper for the pages, but I'm sure you have those supplies where you live), then I went to a stationery place and they binded them there.

    There are other ways, like Shutterly, they make the most beautiful calendars, but they are too expensive for me (I'm from Argentina).

    I hope this helps. Please feel free to write, here's my e-mail:, I'll help in any way i CAN.

    Hugs & kisses, Mariquita

  17. Love your rug...what a bargain! and we love all of those magazines, too! Can't wait to see the velvet pillows!

    Happy 2008...kari and kijsa

  18. Miss you! Hope all is well. I have Mrs. Jones Bloggy Withdrawl. It's a serious condition :-)

  19. Come out and play with your blog friends soon!

  20. Love the photos of your home, the red shades really make your room look special. Glad you liked my linning the top of the cupboards with paper idea,what a thankless job to get up there and scrub away, but it annoys you knowing the grime is there, maybe we could line everything in the house with paper!!!
    Enjoyed your blog

  21. Thank you for peeking into my space...will you be posting soon...
    I hope!

    Nice to meet ya

  22. What a darling blog.

    I thought I'd come over and say Hello!- from one Mrs. Jones to another.

  23. Mrs. Jones...........where are you? I hope you are off on some exotic vacation. We miss you.

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