Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Giant Bubbles

The nice lady at The Home Depot wanted to
know what I was going to do with this pile of stuff.
Make giant bubbles, of course.
Here is a link to my post last summer that has the recipe.
I just love making these bubbles.

Once you start making bubbles, it's hard to stop.
Sometimes we do this at night.
They seem to last longer without the hot sun.
So if you drive by my house late, you might see
people in polka dot pajamas making huge bubbles in the dark.
That's hot.

This cutie took most of the photos.

There was also a sneak hug attack after the bubbles.
And then, unfortunately, our
amazing, wonderful, beloved house guests
had to go on their way.


  1. Hi H.!
    I have been looking for this!! I even went to Geppetto's because Klutz used to sell one....a LONG TIME AGo....when Ben was about 2! I think I know what Ellie and I will be doing tomorrow while the big kids are at school!! Miss ya! K

  2. Very fun! My huband's Aunt used to mix up a conconction like this to make giant bubbles when they got the family together. I never got the recipe. She has 7 kids and I can't even count how many grandkids. The grandkids went crazy for these. Thanks for the recipe.
