Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pondering a Name Change

I have been thinking about changing the blog name to Mrs. Jones (old name was Heather J). In honor of this dilemma, I have added the song "Me and Mrs. Jones" to my playlist (I didn't already have this on my playlist because the content of the song is something I really approve of, but I'll include for today.)

What do you think ... change the name or keep it the same?

**Update: 1 vote was all I needed to go ahead and change it. Thanks Martha!


  1. I love the name Mrs. Jones.....especially since it sounds so ordinary and your blog is not ordinary!

    I've been checking out all of your stuff lately - the chore list (love it!) and your play list (looove it. Sometimes I'm hooked up to your blog just for the music while I answer emails :)

    Thanks for the hutch tips!! I need to just DO IT and quit wondering about what will work. Yeah, I saw Tracey's hutch and I love it. I'll check out savvycityfarmer's, too!

    Hey - you've said you've moved from San How long ago? Was it just crazy to move across the country?? I can't imagine....such a totally different landscape, people, etc. I'd love to hear about that.

    I'm totally with you on the pool thing. I've always wanted one. Noodle and I go swimming every chance we get and I love swimming with her. Especially in the deep end, so I can tread water constantly. We have the greatest little pool here. I'll take pictures.

    Have a great day, Mrs. Jones!


  2. I like it! And the way I see it, your blog is anythign you want it to be, why not change the name!

  3. Nice change. I love visiting your blog.

  4. I love the new sounds proud to be who married but with a bit of a feminist tilt. Just don't call it Mrs. (insert your hubby's name) Jones. That wouldn't be cool...!!! LOL

    Love your blog!

