Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's time to save money!

We're trying to get more frugal at the Jones house, so we're cutting coupons and cleaning the house. I have the kids cut the coupons for me on Saturdays, which also helps them with fine motor skills. I use The Grocery Game so it is not as time consuming. GG continues to frustrate me, however, because I am always finding mistakes or discrepancies. Like, a lot. But in the end I still save a ton of money so it is worth it.

I let the cleaning people go this week (I started working last year as a substitute teacher so I could hire them). So I have gone back to the Motivated Moms Chore Planning System. It is a calendar that gives you chores to do every day, and if you do them you will stay caught up. They have a version with a daily bible reading, and one without. And it is only $8.00!! You download it, print it, and put it in a binder. Love it!

Click here to view more details


  1. I tried the GG, too, and I found lots of discrepencies between my store and theirs. They have added Kroger to my area and we've gotten a CVS since I quit, so I might go back. Anything to save a little money!

  2. I do GG too, and like you find them frustrating with the errors. Still the savings can't be ignored. I also use which is FREE and sometimes finds deals that GG misses.

  3. Ooo!

    I ordered the Motivated Moms chart last year and LOVED it.

    I've got to get it again....

    How are you Mrs. Jones?

  4. I GG too! I used to love it, but not I just like it. My grocery store's sales cycle runs differently than the listmaker's store, and I often forget to print it before the new one is posted.

    I LOVE MM! I bought it a few years ago, change the format and task to what work for our family, and am still using it. I just edit the dates to fit the current year. I print two weeks at a time and it only takes a few minutes to change the dates.

  5. thanks for visiting my blog (a corgi in Southern California); we actually got Koda through a breeder in Alabama when we were living in Montana (that's a tongue twister); but for the life of me, I can't remember her name; he had a long plane ride when he came home to us which was 4 years ago this week!

    I'll have to try that Grocery Game; never heard of it; we too are trying to be frugal, clipping coupons, using store brands, etc. I ran several Frugal Fridays on my journal where people came up with a whole lot of ways they were saving money that I started to incorporate; it has helped a bit!

    thanks for visiting; I'm not sure if I'm going to go back to blogging; taking a break right now and getting lots more done, LOL, and spending more time with the Lord :)

    and your corgi does look a lot like Koda! it is amazing how they do resemble each other so much!

    have an awesome day!

