My good friend
Martha tagged me with this, most special award the other day.

Isn't it lovely! I'm touched. No, really I am. Martha gave this to me for being a loyal reader, but how couldn't I be?!! She is so funny, I actually laugh out loud when I read her blog. And she gives really cool house tours, which I love because my favorite thing to do is to look inside people's homes.
Ok, so it is my understanding that this award goes to
bloggers who deserve a little recognition for their blogs, even though they may not have a ton of traffic yet. Or maybe loyal, wonderful readers who faithfully read on a regular basis.
So here are my tags:
Martha, of course ... right back at ya' babe! I think Martha and I started blogging about the same time, and clicked right away. She has been reading the bologna I've been writing since the start, and
that definitely deserves an award. Thanks girlfriend!
2. I know Martha already tagged her, but I've got to add her to the list.
Linda is always stopping by to say "hi" and always has the most amazing design pictures on her blog. Always inspirational!
Liz at Mabel's House is deserving of this award. You need to see her cute dog (who happens to be in one of the most adorable banners I've seen) and her adorable house. This girl's got great style.
Penny, amazing
Triathlon woman and loyal commenter. She has some great Thursday Thirteen posts you should check out. (Oh, and Penny, your new banner looks awesome!)
Trish at Harmony Hill Music, another loyal reader and just about the sweetest person I know!
Dawn at The Feathered Nest is a sweetheart who visits me. She always says the nicest things, like you've known her your whole life. And you're going to drool over her blog, folks.
Elzie all the way over there in Sweden, who has an adorable blog, and got me hooked on Swedish blogs. There are all kinds of fun things over there!
8. I also have to give this award to every single person who reads or has posted on this blog. It gives me great joy to know that you have stopped by, and if I haven't made it back to your blog to say "hi", please forgive me. I have the best of intentions, but my kids keep me so busy, my head is spinning, miscellaneous words come out of my mouth when I think I'm speaking clearly, and, well, I completely forgot that last thing I was going to write. Well, anyway, consider yourselves tagged because you are all awesome.
A couple people have asked me questions this week, and I will try to post on Friday to answer them. Also, I have to share this with you now but I will post a picture tomorrow: I have wanted a natural fiber rug for my living room for quite a while now. On my budget of $20, I haven't found one yet ... until now. Oh, yes, I pulled up to the thrift store today, and rolled up, folded up, sitting in the drizzle was a lonely pottery barn bound sisal rug (7' x 9') just waiting to go home with someone for the price of $15. Oh, yes, I snatched that baby up and paid for it without even unrolling it and looking at it. It is hands-down, the best
thrifting find *ever* in my life!