I knew right away ... my youngest child had pulled the chair out and was watching out the window, waiting for me to get home. That may not be a big deal to some people, but it was HUGE to me. Sometimes I underestimate my importance in their lives.
Sometimes I get so caught up in the things I want to do (decorating, reading, talking to my friends, blogging, and the list goes on), that I forget my most important job in the world. Sometimes I get tired at the end of the day, tired of managing people, tired of hearing them bicker, that I lose sight of the big picture. Sometimes I sign up for too many things because I feel obligated to help the teachers, the PTO, the church, that I forget about the biggest job I volunteered for. Is my fear of letting everyone else down causing me to let these guys down?
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." ~Proverbs 22:6
God loaned these beautiful creatures to me and gave me the job of raising them to be Christians, to be good people, to be his light in the world.
My window to do this is closing fast. They are growing so fast my head spins. They were just babies yesterday, and now one of them will be driving in a few years. And when they are ready to go out on their own, will I be able to look back and say that I made the most of the time I had?
I think I need to print this picture of the chair and hang it in my kitchen so I can remember that most important goal every day.
Thank you my beautiful friend! Today, I am going to choose to make my amazing children feel more important than the laundry :)
You are ALWAYS an incredible role model and parent to those beautiful children who are honored to have YOU also!
What a beautiful post!!! Thank you for such a wonderful reminder...what a gorgeous photograph, xxoo, Dawn
What a sweet post. My middle child would so do that. We really do underestimate how important we are to them.
How have I missed so many posts? I thought I had you added in my blogging rounds, but evidently I need to add you now!
Thank you for this reminder. I only have one kiddo and he is so self sufficient sometimes I forget I still have a job to do. Good grief, he's only 8! No, wait, that should be, Good grief he's already 8! :)
Mrs. Jones, You are one brilliant and loving mom. With a mom like you I dont see how your kids could not grow up right:>) The fact that you mean so much to them speaks volumes about how much right you have already done. You are also right that you dont have much time left, my girls are (soon to be) 18 and 20 and I see that they wont be here forever.
I loved this post. You have to take a picture of that chair. Too cute! I loved the quote, too. So true!
Your post about made me cry! I've been having these same feelings lately. With my job being so crazy when I get home I just want to do nothing and be left alone. But my kids (11 and 13) need me and want me and follow my every move the moment I walk through the door. Sometimes I have to think and realize that these moments won't last forever.
Frame that picture!!
Awwww!!! Tears sister! What an awesome display of affection. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!
lucky mama, you are-
coastal nest
wow i so needed to read this today! especially now during the summer when the kids are home and i find myself busy doing other things i need to sit and spend some time with the kids
What a beautiful post! Such a good thought to ponder! I think it was also a great thing that you noticed the chair, and realized what a special thing had taken place...Again, your thoughts are such a blessing to me!
Hi Heather, this is Amy, Martha's friend. What a great post...I totally agree. For the past several weeks, almost every day it breaks my heart when my son says "Mommy, do you have to go to work today?" So, lately I have been making a huge effort to take advantage of the long summer days and "play" more after work. Lots of other chores are sliding! But do they really matter?
By the way...I LOVE that photo of your kids on the beach.
That picture says a 1,000 words. It really is special. Thanks for sharing it.
this brought back a memory of me waiting at 5:00 for my mom to come down the road behind our house....i'd watch for her car and could spot it way off in the distance....every night! I never told her
i knew exactly what that chair was "saying"...
i think we ALL too often forget our "job" that God has given us, we get caught up with our lives outside (and inside) of our homes, unfortunately it's easy. thank you for the reminder and thank goodness they DO need us like they do...one day they won't.
The chair pulled up to the window made me chuckle, and your post is a beautiful reminder. :)
Isn't that funny how we forget they are so little when they are? I do that all of the time with my kindergartner!I think she doens't really nedd me and then I realize she does but in a different way... Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. I am so glad you are back! :) Jen R
That chair looks so sad. What a nice post...good for me to remember, too.
What a great reminder of seeking the best things. Your list were all good things but what is the best thing. I have had to evaluate that a lot lately. This was a great post!! Thank you for sharing~~
Oh how I love this post! You so perfectly spoke what I feel everyday...we are so busy these days that it's hard to take time to do the most important things with our kids and that's just spending time with them.
Wow.....I have been thinking this as well...mine is ten and growing so fast. I really appreciated your sentiments. Thank-you for the reminder. cherry
Awwww what a sweet post!
Ahhh.... I love this post! It rings true to everything I do. Let me not forget how important my job is! Thank you for your inspiration.
They really do grow up too fast. Thank you for writing this. I think we all need to slow down and remember who is watching us out the window.
Wow. I think I might see if there is a way to make this post the home page on my computer. I was tearing up while reading this.
One of the things that really "got me" is that I'm the type of frenetic, overwhelmed mommy that could easily look at that chair and think "What the heck are these kids up to, moving around the furniture like that...!?" more ready to be irritated than I would be to see the picture of love.
Thank you for linking to this post.
BTW - I love the photo on your header. Gorgeous.
I am referring my readers to your page for the directions to do the paper cakes and I just stumbled on this one. This is beautiful. Really.
sniff. sniff. This post really struck a chord with me. Thanks much for this timely reminder.
What a wonderful wonderful post! My daughter keeps trying to get me to cuddle and watch a movie with her and I keep trying to finish up just one more thing before I comply...what a great reminder that nothing is more important that cuddling on the couch.
You know what, its MY favorite post too. I just found you whilst visiting all the blog parties I have missed. Thanks so much!ann at housefinally
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