You are, I know it. Because that is why you guys are such great friends. I've been lame, not posting, not commenting, not visiting. But you people will show up again like you always do. I love ya. My excuses? I started working (earning and not spending -- it's a great feeling), sports x 3 kids, 3 kids period, Mr. Jones MIA at work, vacation, PTO over-
commitment, etc., etc., blah blah blah, whine, whine, whine. But now that summer is here I will try to fit a little posting and commenting in here and there.
So I did a little project this morning
ala The Nester and her
window mistreatments inspiration. This is the window in my laundry room. It's so boring I could fall asleep right there on the spot. I was going to take the blinds down and tack some fabric on instead, but I didn't want to spend any money on upholstery tacks. So I used what I had. I was in Calico Corners Outlet (Oh yeah, I just happened to drive by this store when we were cruising through Amish country in PA and I made Mr. Jones stop) and I saw that their valances/blinds were all on little board frames that stuck out of the wall, so I had an idea.

My blinds stick right out of the door just like
CC's valance frames, so I just broke out the glue gun and glued some fabric right on that bad boy.

I glued it across the top and then folded and glued again on the sides, like this:

I used a bigger piece of fabric that I folded in half, and I hot glued the seam so it wouldn't show. Then I hot glued some scrap trim I picked up at CC Outlet. Look at how crooked and imperfect it is.

Then, I just got some big safety pins and pinned the pleats in the back. All done. So easy. So fast. If you look up close you will find all kinds of things wrong with it, but who's going to be inspecting window coverings in my laundry room?!! My family will notice right away, of course, because you know they use this room to do laundry and get cleaning supplies all the time. Not really. I'm glad I didn't wait until I had time to sew perfect blinds.
Cuz it would have stayed like the first picture for a few more years.

So the finished product is great because I still have the blinds and can actually close them if I care to. I probably won't though.
Here is something else from my laundry room. I stuck one of those tool peg boards from The Home Depot on the wall to hold my stuff. Apparently you are supposed to put two boards on the wall and mount it to that, but I didn't. I just stuck it right to the wall. I drive Mr. Jones nuts with all the horrible things I do to our walls.

Here's a closeup of the rooster hook that really doesn't hold anything. It just looks cute.

And here's a picture of what my laundry room floor looks like. Just
keepin' it real. In case you thought I was clean or organized or something.

I took one more look at the final product, and thought my thrift store lamp might look great in there. A little ambiance while I'm working. I'm worth it.