Monday, April 30, 2007
Oooops, I did it again ...
Friday, April 27, 2007
I finished a project, la la la la la la ~and~ Back from the Paris Fleamarket
Aren't their bags cute! I'm going to save mine and use it again.

I bought a little charm ... here's pictures of front and back.
At the top of my shopping list was a bird for my table and . . .
The latest issue of Romantic Homes was there too. It is a good one this month.
Wouldn't it be fun to go to a real paris fleamarket?
Here's what it used to look like. I had a picture with the old knobs before I washed and sanded it, but lost it in the bad hard drive incident. You get the idea though.
p.s. Does anyone else find this blogger editing to be difficult sometimes? grrrr
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Paris Flea Market

Thursday, April 19, 2007
Finding The Perfect Gift

Friday, April 13, 2007
I'm a Procrastinator

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Inspiration and a Cool Mom Resource

I know everyone does inspiration on Fridays, but I am doin' mine today ladies. The other day,
Vintage Pretties told us about "Rate My Space" on HGTV's website. The website is sooo neat, you've got to check it out. You would have to have thick skin to post a room on there b/c some people are *really* mean with their comments. I digress . . . I found this beautiful room done in colors I have been drooling over lately. I'm feeling a master bedroom redo coming on. But I'm not telling my honey just yet. I'm going to wait until the time is right. ;-)I also found an interested little blog today. It is called Girl Talk, and it is a blog for moms about how to talk to our daughters about the dangers of drinking as a teenager. I'm going to have to go back and take a closer look later, but it looks like a great resource. My daughter is in middle school already (GASP! she's only 11!) so the time is here. Now I just need to find a blog about how to talk about what NOT to do with boys! Letting kids grow up is painful sometimes.
Oh yeah, and a quick story for you. Our neighbor has a cat named Cleo, and Cleo pretty much is pest control for our entire neighborhood (and possibly other neighboring developments). About 2 weeks ago, my son was playing with his friend who owns Cleo and they found Cleo's stash (ie, snacks saved for later). My son picks up a rat with a stick and puts into a hole (former location of a tree) in our yard and covers it up with rocks. He tells me about it, I ask my honey to get rid of it. Fast forward 2 weeks and I'm in the backyard with the dogs. They are "herding" the soccer ball, when the puppy peels off and gets busy sniffing the hole. When I finally get a clue and realize what he is doing, he has a big black thing in his mouth. I scream "drop it" and he takes off as fast as he can go, straight for the basement door and up stairs. Before he got to the staircase though, I hold up a treat, he drops the rat and I lock him outside. Dead crusty rat with legs sticking in the air on my basement floor. I go up to get a bag and my daughter and all her friends figure out what is going on. Next thing I know there are 5 girls and my 2 boys in the basement screaming and carrying on. My youngest son decides to play a trick on me . . . I go down the basement stairs, and when I turn the corner the rat flies straight at me from across the room. It actually bounced off my chest!!!!! Yes, I did scream. The funniest part was, the kids all said "oooooh, dad's in truuuuuuuble." Life with a 5 year old boy . . . a tiny glimpse into my life. Guess that wasn't a quick story. TTFN.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Work Room Redo Part 1

Monday, April 9, 2007
Menu Plan Monday

Friday, April 6, 2007
Blogger Potluck

Thursday, April 5, 2007
30 Day Organizational Challenge

I'm throwing my hat in the ring, and posting pictures of the room I need to straighten up. It is my workspace. And I hate showing the world my greatest mess. But I do need some motivation. When we moved, I unpacked and organized the entire house, and this is the last room. I have come a long way. I really wish I had pictures of this room full of boxes (I had some, but lost them in the bad-hard-drive-incident). Can you believe it actually looked worse than this at one point? I need to get this room to a place where I can actually function and get things done, and enjoy my surroundings too. I have a gazillion pictures that need to be scrapped, and all kinds of other crud that needs a special home. Wish me luck!