Monday, April 30, 2007

Oooops, I did it again ...

I had just finished up with one of the Kids' baseball picture appointments, and I spotted a garage sale out of the corner of my eye. The same family had a garage sale a month back, and I saw some furniture but didn't have time to stop. This time I had a few minutes. And my love seat was there waiting for me. I really don't need another project. But I had been thinking for a while that a love seat would be perfect in my living room. The price was right. I was still unsure. I was going to walk away and think about it. Then the man said "the cushion is down-filled", and that was all she wrote folks. Sold! I'm thinking about a little bit of gold paint, white paint, stain on the legs, and a slipcover on the top. I will have to visit this talented lady again and take some notes.

Friday, April 27, 2007

I finished a project, la la la la la la ~and~ Back from the Paris Fleamarket

I'm back from The Paris Fleamarket hosted by The Cottage Gals. They have a cute little shop in Leesburg, Virginia, and they invited vendors to set up in their backyard. Everyone was so nice, and the shop is really great. I only had 30 minutes, because I had to get to the bus stop by 11:00. Here's what I got:

Aren't their bags cute! I'm going to save mine and use it again.

I bought a little charm ... here's pictures of front and back.

At the top of my shopping list was a bird for my table and . . .

a blue creamer. They had a bag of little eggs, but I snoozed and someone else snatched them up. Why do I do things like that? I know better.

The latest issue of Romantic Homes was there too. It is a good one this month.

Wouldn't it be fun to go to a real paris fleamarket?

And all these neat little things will go perfectly with my little desk that I just finished. I was going to put it in the living room, but it looks much better in my garden room.

Please excuse all the pictures ... I'm just sooo proud ... that I finally finished a project. I'm good at starting, not so good at finishing.

Here's what it used to look like. I had a picture with the old knobs before I washed and sanded it, but lost it in the bad hard drive incident. You get the idea though.
High-maintenance child is calling ... got to go!

p.s. Does anyone else find this blogger editing to be difficult sometimes? grrrr

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Paris Flea Market

Well, I do have 2 baseball games, baseball pictures times two, riding lessons and movie night at the elementary school to attend, but I will give it my best shot to go to the Paris Flea Market this weekend at the Cottage. I know something very special is waiting to go home with me, like these neat things.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Finding The Perfect Gift

A while back, I posted "finding the perfect gift" inspired by my blogger friend Martha. I thought I might share neat little things with you once in a while. This is my latest find . . . gingham dish gloves. Soooo important to keep your hands soft while scrubbing those dishes. Aren't they adorable!?? You can find them here if you are interested.
I also found a great little Mother's Day gift at Target (close your eyes Mom). It is a Shabby Chic pillow and it looks great in my living room. I'm going to have to part with it soon, though. Can't wait to see what my beautiful family is getting me for MD. :-)

Friday, April 13, 2007

I'm a Procrastinator

Yes, people, I waited till the last minute. Which really kills me because I always get things wrapped up in February. My tax prep bill last year was over $800 so I'm doing taxes myself this year. Shockingly easy with ProTax. I will never hire someone again, unless things get complicated with a business or something. Anyway, my kids are home all day because of a teacher work day so this will take 50 times longer than it should. Wish me luck. (p.s. I promise I won't use the library cards too much. They are just so much fun to make!)
I also have a question for all you computer people out there. I'm trying to put my picture on my profile. I copy the url from the server where I have my picture and put it in the setup page but it never shows up. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Inspiration and a Cool Mom Resource

I know everyone does inspiration on Fridays, but I am doin' mine today ladies. The other day,

Vintage Pretties told us about "Rate My Space" on HGTV's website. The website is sooo neat, you've got to check it out. You would have to have thick skin to post a room on there b/c some people are *really* mean with their comments. I digress . . . I found this beautiful room done in colors I have been drooling over lately. I'm feeling a master bedroom redo coming on. But I'm not telling my honey just yet. I'm going to wait until the time is right. ;-)

I also found an interested little blog today. It is called Girl Talk, and it is a blog for moms about how to talk to our daughters about the dangers of drinking as a teenager. I'm going to have to go back and take a closer look later, but it looks like a great resource. My daughter is in middle school already (GASP! she's only 11!) so the time is here. Now I just need to find a blog about how to talk about what NOT to do with boys! Letting kids grow up is painful sometimes.

Oh yeah, and a quick story for you. Our neighbor has a cat named Cleo, and Cleo pretty much is pest control for our entire neighborhood (and possibly other neighboring developments). About 2 weeks ago, my son was playing with his friend who owns Cleo and they found Cleo's stash (ie, snacks saved for later). My son picks up a rat with a stick and puts into a hole (former location of a tree) in our yard and covers it up with rocks. He tells me about it, I ask my honey to get rid of it. Fast forward 2 weeks and I'm in the backyard with the dogs. They are "herding" the soccer ball, when the puppy peels off and gets busy sniffing the hole. When I finally get a clue and realize what he is doing, he has a big black thing in his mouth. I scream "drop it" and he takes off as fast as he can go, straight for the basement door and up stairs. Before he got to the staircase though, I hold up a treat, he drops the rat and I lock him outside. Dead crusty rat with legs sticking in the air on my basement floor. I go up to get a bag and my daughter and all her friends figure out what is going on. Next thing I know there are 5 girls and my 2 boys in the basement screaming and carrying on. My youngest son decides to play a trick on me . . . I go down the basement stairs, and when I turn the corner the rat flies straight at me from across the room. It actually bounced off my chest!!!!! Yes, I did scream. The funniest part was, the kids all said "oooooh, dad's in truuuuuuuble." Life with a 5 year old boy . . . a tiny glimpse into my life. Guess that wasn't a quick story. TTFN.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Work Room Redo Part 1

I'm trying to come up with a basic plan to redo the work room before I yank everything out. Knowing me, I will pull it all out and my poor honey will come home to an enormous mess in the bedroom. DivaDeb stopped by and gave me the fabulous advice to break each part of the room into sections for each purpose of the room (eg, sewing, crafting, scrapping, etc.). So here are the plans. If you want to see the actual room, click here. The scanner cut stuff off and I'm not going to be anal-retentive today like I normally am.
Here is my major dilemma, which is why this place is a mess in the first place: I have boxes and boxes and books and books of photos, which need to be put in scrapbooks. The books of photos are those old yucky magnetic page books, all different sizes and shapes. I need to take the photos out and put them into nice scrapbooks. I'm afraid to take all the photos out and put them into boxes, but I also think it just looks like a complete mess the way it is. I need you scrappy, organized people out there to give me direction on this. I simply can't figure it out on my own, and it is giving me a great deal of stress.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Every Monday, I'm an Organizing Junkie hosts Menu Plan Monday, which is just what I need, since I tend to make up my mind at the last minute and go to the grocery store every day. Aaaand I shop on Mondays anyway because I like to do my Grocery Game coupon shopping that day.

So here is the menu for this week:

Monday: Tacos
Tuesday: Salmon with Brown Sugar Pepper Blend (from Wegman's)
Wednesday: Breakfast Night
Thursday: Chicken Tettrazini (did I spell that correctly? I'm too lazy to look it up)
Friday: Leftovers

Hmmmmm, that was really easy. Why didn't I do this before? :-) Hope you all had a nice holiday weekend!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Blogger Potluck

Shabby in the City has graciously invited us to her blogger potluck, and as usual, I am a little late to the party. But I'm here, and this is the recipe I have made for you all. It is a great recipe, because you can make the crumble topping ahead of time and keep it in the freezer. This crumble topping recipe actually makes 6 cups of crumble (enough to make the blueberry peach crumbles recipe 3 times!) You can also use the crumble topping as a topping for fruit pies.

BTW, aren't the library cards cool?!! Inspire Co. shared this in a recent blog entry (thank you) . . . just stop by here to make one for yourself.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

30 Day Organizational Challenge

I **REALLY** hate doing this, but I just can't help myself when a good challenge comes my way. I'm an Organizing Junkie is having an organizing challenge this month, with some great prizes.

I'm throwing my hat in the ring, and posting pictures of the room I need to straighten up. It is my workspace. And I hate showing the world my greatest mess. But I do need some motivation. When we moved, I unpacked and organized the entire house, and this is the last room. I have come a long way. I really wish I had pictures of this room full of boxes (I had some, but lost them in the bad-hard-drive-incident). Can you believe it actually looked worse than this at one point? I need to get this room to a place where I can actually function and get things done, and enjoy my surroundings too. I have a gazillion pictures that need to be scrapped, and all kinds of other crud that needs a special home. Wish me luck!

Here are some of the questions Organizing Junkie wants me to consider when reorganizing my room:
1. What do I want the purpose of my room or area to be? A workroom for me only. For scrapping, sewing and crafting.
2. What do I need in or near the room to serve that purpose? I need a sewing work table, and a separate scrapping work table. I also need storage for projects and supplies.
3. What can I remove from the room? junk. And all the pictures that still need to be hung up in my house . . . they can go on the walls!
4. What problems do I see with the room? Mostly, thousands of pictures that need to be put in order and then in books.
5. What organizational tools might solve those problems? Bins and baskets. I also think I need special container for each scrapbook and the pictures that are going to go in it.
6. What habits need to change to solve the organizational problems? Actually finishing my projects, and cleaning up after myself!
7. What kind of a budget do I have to create the organized room of my dreams? I give myself $50. Hopefully it will be less. Probably will be more.
8. What kind of a time line is necessary to organize the room? I need to set my deadline for the end of April so I will be motivated to finish this room.
9. What is my plan of action? Read the complete article with descriptions of each of the questions here. I will have to get back to this question. Haven't read the article. My kids are home from school right now and I'm in a hurry.
10. Who can I ask to help me with this? I will do this project myself, and my family can help by getting their chores done so my house doesn't look like a hurricane blew through when I'm done.