Crazy, Sexy Diet is really a fabulous book. It isn't so much about "going on a diet", but explains what kind food is bad for you (and why), and what kind of food is good for you (and why). It advocates a vegetarian, sugar-free, crap-free diet. If you can't give up meat and animal products, she tells you what the best choices are. She says to try your best but don't beat yourself up. Other things that are good for your mind and body are mentioned, like meditation and exercise. And best of all, she is really funny, in a not-always-appropriate for kids way. Hands down, the most entertaining "diet" book I've read.
One of the things Crazy, Sexy Diet advocates is juicing. I finally gave into this idea after years of saying "yeah, that would probably be good for me." You know what? Drinking veggie juice isn't bad. Throw one piece of fruit in the mix and it's sweet and good. I love it.
I was going to blog about my experience from day 1, but I'm going to be honest. Days 1-4 were rough for me. I crashed on my face. Please don't worry if you are thinking about doing this Crazy, Sexy thing, too. My crash and burn was from (1) cutting out certain pharmaceuticals, and (2) not doing a sufficient job of weaning myself off coffee. I can't stress the importance of slowly doing this.
I feel amazing.
Health starts with the quality of what I put in my body. I was putting bad stuff in, and then trying to patch up the consequences. If you're on board with what I just said, the good news is, once I ripped the band-aid off, the turnaround was really fast. I have only been doing this for about 10 days.
Thanks for the inspiration and advice Shannon. ;-)